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    Our Services

Access Control

  • Key access: We manage the distribution of keys for campus, ensuring only authorized individuals have access. Need a key? Request one here
  • OneCard access: We program OneCard access for the campus community. If you are having issues with your card email us at securitykeycontrol@mtroyal.ca or call us at 403.440.7096.

Campus Safety and Crime Prevention

  • Alarm Monitoring: We monitor and respond to fire alarms and security alerts.
  • CCTV Monitoring: We monitor campus-wide CCTV systems in real-time to observe and respond to suspicious activity.
  • Device Installations: Need a camera, card reader, or duress button installed? Simply submit a request through this form. Security Services will review your request and notify you of the outcome after the assessment. 
  • Emergency Response: We respond to medical emergencies, incidents, and reports of unusual activity promptly and effectively.
  • Incident Reporting: Security Representatives document and investigate incidents, including theft, vandalism, and other activities, to maintain campus security.  
  • Patrolling: Our team patrols Mount Royal grounds and buildings, on foot, on bicycles, and in a vehicle to maintain a visible security presence.
  • Safety Awareness Programs: Our safety education programs and campaigns inform the campus community about crime prevention, personal safety, and emergency preparedness.
  • Weapons Procedure: For safety reasons, if you need to bring a weapon, replica weapon, or mockup to campus, please submit a request for approval through Security Services. Submit your request here.

Community Engagement and Support

  • Collaboration with Community Partners: We collaborate with Calgary Police Services and other community organizations to enhance campus safety and address broader security concerns. 
  • Liaison Program: This program provides campus departments with the opportunity to collaborate with dedicated Security Representatives to address specific concerns and enhance overall campus safety.
  • SAFEWALK: We offer SAFEWALK services, escorting individuals to their destinations on campus, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Use the MRU Now App or call 403.440.6897.
  • Safety planning: Students and employees can meet with our Safety Program Manager to develop an individualized safety plan. If you're interested in accessing this resource, please fill out our confidential inquiry form
  • Student and Employee Support: Work closely with other campus services to provide support for individuals affected by incidents, such as Student Counseling Services, Early Support, and Employee Wellness.
  • Working / Studying Alone: Security monitors this through the MRU Now App. This feature allows individuals working or studying after hours on campus check in with Security without having to come to our office.

Help Phones

There are various phones and buttons located around campus that you can use to contact Security. You can use these phones for emergencies, questions or if you need information.

Alongside the Help Phones pictured below, there are phones located in each classroom that can be used to contact Security Services by dialing 6897 or 5900. 

Red phones

These phones are located in the hallways of the main building.


Code Blue poles

These are located around the Library and in various outdoor areas across campus.


Red buttons

These are located in the East Buildings and some new sections of the main building; at the entrances and in the accessible washroom stalls.

Yellow box

These are located at each entrance of the Conservatory building.