Multiple rainbow lines overlapping, weaving through, around and under each other on a pale blue background.

EDIA education and tools

EDIA resources and tools


Glossary of EDIA terms and definitions

View Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion's glossary of terms: A reference tool for inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility terminology.


A divider made of a pastel and many intersecting colourful lines


Conflict and managing difficult conversations

Offers resources focused on information and reducing harm, including a slide deck, how-to guides for tackling bullying and avoiding hate speech, fact checking and more.

Offers basic guidelines and strategies for difficult discussions in the classroom.

Provides guidance on how to prepare, start discussion, encourage participation and guide and evaluate discussions, as well as a list of suggested books, articles and webpages to refer to.

A unique handbook that provides a list of topics and linked resources, a section of “Common Practices for Engaging Difficult Conversations in the Classroom”, and practical tools to conduct constructive conversation.

Provides basic tips to prepare, conduct and follow-up with difficult discussions. There is also a useful list of additional resources.


A divider made of a pastel and many intersecting colourful lines




Creating an anti-racist classroom

Anti-racism: Exploring race and culture
Research articles
  • Feldman R. (2023). The neurobiology of hatred: Tools of Dialogue© intervention for youth reared amidst intractable conflict impacts brain, behaviour, and peacebuilding attitudes. Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992), 112 (4), 603–616.
  • Lynch, B. (2024). Anti-Racist Social Work Education: “Ready or Not, Here I Come, You Can’t Hide...” Journal of Teaching in Social Work , 44 (2), 204–223.
  • Porter, C. J. (2022). (Re)imagining belonging: Black women want more than survival in predominantly White institutions. Journal of College Student Development, 63 (1), 106–110.
  • Pyke, K. D. (2010). What is Internalized Racial Oppression and Why Don’t We Study It? Acknowledging Racism’s Hidden Injuries. Sociological Perspectives, 53(4), 551-572.
Tools for self-care


A divider made of a pastel and many intersecting colourful lines




A divider made of a pastel and many intersecting colourful lines


Disability and accessibility


A divider made of a pastel and many intersecting colourful lines