Room Comparison

Demo Teaching Spaces Seats Layout Display Laptop Enabled Conferencing Special Features
Active Learning Classroom - EL2463 36 Fixed D-shaped tables One 55-inch monitor per pod Yes Web conferencing only
  • Reinforced sound with instructor lapel mic and student table mics
  • A/V recording
Flexible Learning Lab - EL2462 28 Flexible layout 80-inch dual-monitor Yes Video conferencing only
  • Reinforced sound with instructor handheld mic; table mics for use with with video conferencing
  • A/V recording
Meeting Spaces Seats Layout Display Laptop Enabled Conferencing Special Features
ADC Boardroom - EL2170 18 Fixed table Projection screen Yes Web and video conferencing
Flexible Learning Lab - EL2462 28 Flexible layout 80-inch dual-monitor Yes Video conferencing only
  • Reinforced sound with instructor handheld mic; table mics for use with with video conferencing
  • A/V recording
Meeting Room A - EL2360 9 Fixed table 70-inch monitor No Web and video conferencing
  • Touch-responsive display
  • Glass whiteboards
Meeting Room B - EL2362 9 Moveable armchairs 80-inch monitor No Web and video conferencing
  • Touch-responsive display
  • Glass whiteboards
Research and Observation Spaces Seats Layout Display Laptop Enabled Conferencing Special Features
Observation Rooms - EL2172V and EL2172W 8 Flexible 55-inch monitor Yes No Rooms separated by one-way mirror
Active Learning Classroom - EL2463 36 Fixed D-shaped tables One 55-inch monitor per pod Yes Web conferencing only
  • A/V recording
Flexible Learning Lab - EL2462 28 Flexible layout 80-inch dual-monitor Yes Video conferencing only
  • A/V recording

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8:30 am to 4:30 pm

403 440 6042

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