Curriculum Support
Are you inspired to transform your course(s) or develop a new one? Is your department revising your program? Our Faculty Development Consultants are here to guide you through enhancing your curriculum. We offer expertise in various areas, including:
- Learning activities
- Assessments and evaluation strategies
- Learning outcomes
- Universal design for learning
- Program evaluation and revision
You can schedule a confidential, non-evaluative consultation with a Faculty Development Consultant any time during the academic year by emailing adc@mtroyal.ca. If you're interested in a full course (re)design, keep an eye out for a call for proposals in late fall/early winter. To learn more about these exciting projects, visit the Course (Re)Design Projects page.
Did you know the ADC can also help you enhance your course with media, graphics, and interactivities? Explore the Academic Media and Design Projects pages to learn more.
Course (Re)design Projects
The ADC collaborates with MRU departments and programs each year to support major curriculum design/redesign projects. A call will be distributed through Deans, Associate/Vice Deans, and department Chairs in late fall/early winter.
Examples of curriculum (re)design or eLearning projects that are eligible for support include, but are not limited to:
- Course redevelopment to address high DFW rates
- Course or delivery redevelopment to align with the new Academic Plan and the new Strategic Plan
- Course creation or development to expand access, reduce bottlenecks, reduce letters of permission (LoP), and support improved time-to-completion in programs
- Indigenization and decolonization
- Designing or redesigning curriculum with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles
- Curriculum work stemming from recently completed cyclical program reviews and program advancement plans
- Development of new courses in existing or recently approved programs/majors
Priority will be given to projects that demonstrate clear alignment with Faculty-level and institutional priorities (e.g., Academic Plan and Strategic Plan) and have the most significant potential for impact on program quality, student access and success, letters of permission, and time-to-completion.
Contact us
Riddell Library
Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
403 440 6042
D2L help
General inquiries
ADC team contacts
See About The ADC page
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