instructor aids in computer lab

Classroom Support

You’ve prepared an extraordinary educational experience for your students, and now it’s time to bring it to life. The ADC provides a wide range of services to elevate your teaching and enhance student learning, including:

  • the Active Learning Initiative,
  • bookable classrooms,
  • ADC Teaching Tips,
  • and resources on classroom management, student engagement, access and inclusion, indigenization and decolonization, and more.

Additionally, you can schedule a confidential, non-evaluative consultation with a Faculty Development Consultant for feedback, advice, troubleshooting, or collaborative idea generation. To schedule an appointment, please contact us at


The ADC has two classrooms designed to enhance a learner-centered approach to teaching: the Active Learning Classroom (ALC) and the Flexible Learning Lab (FLL). Learn about the features and how to book each room below.

Active Learning Classroom - EL2463

Designed to support teaching practices aligned with active learning principles based on the SCALE-UP model:

  • Six learning pods, each with display screen and laptop connections
  • A central podium allows the instructor to manage content displays around the room
  • Seats: 36
  • Layout: Fixed D-shaped tables
  • Display: One 55-inch monitor per pod
  • Laptop Enabled: Yes
  • Conferencing: Web only
  • Special Features: Reinforced sound with instructor lapel mic and student table mics

Flexible Learning Lab - EL2462

Designed to foster interactive, flexible, student-centred learning experiences with the optional use of technology. Features movable and stackable furniture to maximize the flexibility of room configuration.

  • Seats: 28
  • Layout: Flexible layout
  • Display: 80-inch dual-monitor
  • Laptop Enabled: Yes
  • Conferencing: V/C only
  • Special Features: Reinforced sound with instructor handheld mic; table mics for use with with video conferencing>

To learn more about the spaces or to book a tour, contact John Cheeseman, Learning Technologies Specialist, at

Contact us

Riddell Library

Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

403 440 6042

D2L help

General inquiries

ADC team contacts
See About The ADC page

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