New Faculty
MRU prioritizes scholarly teaching and career satisfaction. Orientation programs help align new faculty to the most promising practices in teaching and learning and provide opportunities for engagement, community building, and professional learning and development.
New (Full-time) Faculty Orientation (NFO)
All new full-time faculty are required to participate in the orientation program as detailed in the MRU Human Resources faculty appointment letter.
The overarching goals of the Orientation are to provide support across faculty roles, foster a strong sense of community, and engage in meeting the professional learning aspirations of our esteemed faculty members.
The program commences with a three-day orientation in August, where faculty are introduced to Mount Royal and our community. The ADC organizes the orientation to share the many support systems available to faculty. New faculty (all faculty) can access additional academic development offerings through optional workshops covering topics such as the first day of class, classroom management, planning and funding a research program, course planning and assessment, and the use of learning technologies at MRU.
Contract Faculty Orientation (CFO)
CFO is an optional orientation that:
- introduces contract faculty to the MRU community
- provides resources to facilitate excellence in scholarly teaching
- builds awareness of support systems available
- addresses the integration and use of technologies for teaching and learning, including support for D2L Brightspace (the learning management system at MRU).
Contract faculty are invited to to join any of the other ADC programs and workshops offered across the year. They may access any of the services identified on the ADC website and in the bi-weekly ADC newsletter.
New contract faculty orientation programs are held prior to the start of the fall and winter semesters. Department Chairs are notified in advance of session dates to provide details to their contract faculty members. Contract faculty need to register to attend these sessions (enrollment is not automatic). An honorarium of $100 is available to contract faculty the first time they attend orientation.
Professional Learning Community (PLC)
The ADC hosts a monthly Professional Learning Community for new faculty each year. This provides the opportunity to meet with peers and pursue professional development across all areas of the faculty role. While teaching issues may be particularly interesting, the community is not limited to teaching topics. This is an opportunity to form strong connections with members of your cohort. You can expect to receive an email in September to set up the initial meeting. If you have any questions about the PLC, please email adc@mtroyal.ca.
Tenure Dossiers
During the first five years of employment, pre-tenured faculty have the chance to earn tenure by demonstrating excellence in teaching, service, and scholarship. To do this, they need to compile a dossier that shows evidence of effective and scholarly teaching, substantial contributions in service, and scholarship (if applicable). Detailed criteria can be found in the Tenure and Promotion Handbook on MyMRU under the Faculty tab.
Visit the MRFA Appointments, Tenure, and Promotion page for more details on criteria, timelines, and evaluation.
Annual Reporting
Full-time faculty submit an annual report each year (due the first Tuesday in September for activities completed in the previous year). The mechanism for reporting is through the faculty annual reporting (F-180) system. The ADC provides technical support.
F180 Support and Training
Learn how to use F180 by visiting the Faculty180 Support and Training site. This site contains videos and guides to get you started.
Need more hands-on support for the completion (technical support) of your annual report? Call or email the ADC Sandbox at 403.440.7002 or sandbox@mtroyal.ca.
Employee Training
As a new employee, you are required to complete different training modules. Use the links below to visit each site.
Contact us
Riddell Library
Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
403 440 6042
D2L help
General inquiries
ADC team contacts
See About The ADC page
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All full-time and contract faculty are automatically added to the newsletter.