Faculty Fundamentals
Below are the fundamental responsibilities and training faculty must maintain each semester or year.
Student Perception of Teaching (SPoT)
Student feedback is an important component of an evolving teaching practice. At MRU, we use SPoTs (Student Perception of Teaching) to offer the students the opportunity to provide confidential feedback on their learning experiences. Some programs have additional or alternate opportunities for feedback (Student Evaluation of Instruction or SEI, for example). This feedback can be used to improve teaching, and the results may be incorporated into tenure dossiers and annual reports. For more details, please visit the Faculty tab on MyMRU or view the Student Evaluation of Teaching policy.
Annual Reporting
Full-time faculty submit an annual report each year (due the first Tuesday in September for activities completed in the previous year). The mechanism for reporting is through the faculty annual reporting (F-180) system. The ADC provides technical support.
F180 Support and Training
Learn how to use F180 by visiting the Faculty180 Support and Training site. This site contains videos and guides to get you started.
Need more hands-on support for the completion (technical support) of your annual report? Call or email the ADC Sandbox at 403.440.7002 or sandbox@mtroyal.ca.
Tenure Dossiers
Full time faculty complete annual reports through the F-180 system (see above). Detailed criteria can be found in the Tenure and Promotion Handbook on MyMRU under the Faculty tab.
Visit the Tenure & Promotions Criteria page for more details on criteria, timelines, and evaluation.
Employee Training
As a new employee, you are required to complete different training modules. Use the links below to visit each site.
Contact us
Riddell Library
Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
403 440 6042
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General inquiries
ADC team contacts
See About The ADC page
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