Design Projects
If you have an idea for an educational resource, interactivity, or graphic, but are unsure how to develop it, the ADC is here to help. We offer a free collaboration opportunity for faculty and staff to work with a member of our Learning Technologies Group to develop a project that would benefit credit students. These projects may include faculty and student development resources and graphics or interactivities for credit courses or specific MRU programs. See our gallery below for examples from past projects.
Please note that design projects do not include full course development or support for faculty research. For course development projects, visit our Curriculum and eLearning project pages.
If you're interested in a project, you can apply for consultation hours, graphic design help, or a full collaborative project. Project approval will be based on team availability, project scope, and relevance to the ADC mission. We are excited about the prospect of collaborating with you to create impactful solutions for our students.
Example Gallery

Planning your Scholarship Program Workshop (ORSCE)

Creating Accessible Learning (Access and Inclusion Services)
You must be logged in to your MRU Google account to view this content.

ENGL 3306 Beowulf interactivity

JOUR 3730: Real or Fake Activity
For more examples visit the eLearning Examples page.
Want to develop a design project?
Contact us
Riddell Library
Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
403 440 6042
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ADC team contacts
See About The ADC page
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