eLearning Projects
Why Work With Us
Our Instructional Design (ID) team collaborates with departments, programs, and faculty to design quality eLearning courses for fully online and blended delivery. Together, we contribute to MRU’s exceptional student experience with innovative and personalized learning at a distance.
What Are Fully Online and Blended Delivery Courses?
Fully Online
What is Involved?
When you work with the ID team, you will join in as the subject matter expert (SME). You provide your written expertise and knowledge and we will take care of the rest!
Depending on the needs of your project, you will be assigned an instructional designer (ID) who will work closely with you in an iterative and collaborative approach. Your ID will also engage other experts to assist you. These experts may include an eLearning developer, media production team, educational technologist, copyright advisor, editor, subject matter librarian, etc. This process typically spans the course of one academic year.
The Instructional Design team will build the final course on eLearning platforms available at Mount Royal. The result will be an engaging, thoughtfully-designed learning experience for your students.
How We Help You
Our ID team can help you to:
- Develop new fully online and blended courses
- Redesign/update existing online, and blended courses
- Upgrade your remote teaching courses to an intentionally designed eLearning course
- Develop digital learning objects and multimedia resources
In the process of building your course, we will help you to:
- Increase student engagement in online learning
- Incorporate universal design for learning (UDL) principles
- Develop and integrate media such as audio, video, graphics, animations, and interactive activities (visit examples)
- Adapt face-to-face instructional and assessment strategies for online learning
- Revitalize content, resources, assessment, and pedagogies in curriculum (e.g. virtual field school, incorporate Indigenized content, video assignments, Open Educational Resources, etc.)
Benefits of Putting Your Course Online
- Enhance student learning outcomes
- Expand access to high-demand courses
- Reduce letters of permission
- Support improved time-to-completion
- Increase flexibility for students and faculty
- Alleviate lack of physical classroom spaces
Have Questions?
Please contact:
Christian Cook, Academic Director
Email: clcook1@mtroyal.ca
Contact us
Riddell Library
Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
403 440 6042
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ADC team contacts
See About The ADC page
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