• ASIST Title Banner

What is ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

ASIST is an interactive and practice-based course that teaches participants how to provide suicide first aid interventions. Through completion of the training, participants will be able to:

  • understand how personal and societal beliefs and values impact views on suicide

  • provide tailored guidance and suicide first aid

  • identify an effective safety plan and know how to implement it

  • recognize important components of suicide prevention

This workshop is not recommended for people who have had a recent suicide loss.

Who Can Take ASIST?

ASIST is open to MRU students, faculty and staff.


Upcoming Workshops

Explore and register for our upcoming ASIST workshops!



If you would like to add your name to the waitlist, please add it here

For more information regarding ASIST please contact the Healthy Campus Team at healthycampusteam@mtroyal.ca.