• Harm Reduction & Naloxone Training Title Banner

What is Harm Reduction & Naloxone Training?

Harm Reduction & Naloxone Training is a 2-hour training where participants learn about harm reduction practices, the current state of the opioid crisis in Alberta, and how to respond to an opioid poisoning. This includes how to administer naloxone, the medication used to reverse opioid poisonings. A certificate of completion is available for those that are interested.

This training is being provided through a partnership with Wellness Services and the School of Nursing and Midwifery. We would also like to acknowledge the support of Safeworks Calgary in helping to create the materials for this workshop.

Who Can Take Harm Reduction & Naloxone Training? 

Harm Reduction & Naloxone Training is open to MRU students, faculty and staff.

Upcoming Workshops

Explore and register for our upcoming Harm Reduction & Naloxone Training!


For more information regarding Harm Reduction & Naloxone Training please contact the Healthy Campus Team at healthycampusteam@mtroyal.ca.