Our Process

Our instructional design and development phases are broken into four steps with each step having specific goals and deliverables/products. Your Instructional Designer (ID) will work with you and support you to complete the tasks and activities for each of these steps, accessing other MRU experts as needed.

Step 1: Course Framework

This first crucial step establishes an intentionally designed framework for your course using a Backward Design model. With student engagement at the forefront, key tasks for you include establishing learning outcomes and activities, an assessment plan, course structure (topics of study), and identifying multimedia elements.

Step 2: Content Development

There are two phases of this step. The first phase is the creation of a prototype, also known as a representative chunk, which is a complete unit that includes lecture materials, learning activities, assessments, grading guides, and a universal design for learning (UDL) plan. This prototype serves as the direction and overall plan for course development and is used for piloting. 
The second phase of this step is where you flesh out the framework you created in Step 1. It is an iterative process of creating and reviewing content between you and the Instructional Design (ID) team. You will elaborate on each section of your course on a micro level and work with other team members to craft multimedia elements.

Step 3: Course Assembly

Once your content development is completed, all course content will be edited by a professional editor and final reviews/revisions will be made. The final content and all multimedia elements will be uploaded by the ID team to D2L and WordPress (Mount Royal’s accessible eLearning platforms), This step also includes an official sign-off of the project.

Step 4: Course Delivery

The final step is perhaps the most rewarding –  you deliver your course! During this first delivery, your ID is available to consult with you about your online teaching questions. You will also have the support of the ADC Sandbox for just-in-time help. Along the way, you will record corrections and updates, identify what worked and what didn’t, and get student feedback. With support from your ID, changes and updates can be made to the course during the Warranty Period.

Warranty Period

After the first delivery of the course, you (or other instructors) may want to make minor revisions to the course. The ID team will be happy to help you with making adjustments within our warranty period which is available after the course has run (first year of implementation). The warranty period is one year after the first delivery of the course.


After the warranty period expires (1+ years later),  the ADC’s Sandbox can make any desired updates.

After 3 to 5 years, the course will probably need more extensive revisions, and SMEs/faculty developers are encouraged to submit a proposal for a new course development project. In this case, watch for a call for eLearning project proposals; this email is sent out once per year.

Contact us

Riddell Library

Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 4:30 pm

403 440 6042

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