Multimedia Examples

Custom multimedia can offer valuable learning experiences in your course, and the ADC has a number of people available to help create these experiences for you. You’ll work with your ID to identify and request custom videos, interactive activities, and graphics for your course.

Right image credit:


Custom videos are identified early in the design and development process. Your ID will facilitate your requests with the Academic Media Group or other team members of the ADC, who will help you to create your videos.

Examples of Custom Videos


To enhance students’ engagement in their learning, interactive elements (interactivities) are often incorporated into online courses. You will work with your ID and the eLearning Developer to plan and design custom interactivities.

Examples of Custom Interactivities

Click to open interactivity in a new window.


You may want to add custom graphics to your course to reinforce and supplement the learning materials. You will work with your ID to identify content that can be presented in visual or graphical format; our eLearning Developer will help to plan and create your graphics.

Examples of Custom Graphics

ATTH 2050 banner
Graphic of a storm system
Graphic of white blood cells going to an injury site
Graphic of a pulmonary emboli
3D indifference graphic
3D indifference graphic
Grpahic of hydromorphone use in the ED

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403 440 6042

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