Anh Thu Nguyen

Anh Thu Nguyen

Associate Professor

Office: EB3006
Phone: 403.440.6220

PhD in Business (RMIT University, Australia)
MBA (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
MEd (Lakehead University, Canada)
Grad. Cert. Tertiary Teaching & Learning (RMIT University, Australia)
BA honors (Hue University, Vietnam)
FHEA, SFHEA (Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy, Advance HE UK)

Dr. Anh Thu Nguyen is currently an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Bissett School of Business, Mount Royal University (MRU). She holds the Senior Fellowship status of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE, UK) for her leadership in teaching and learning. Before joining MRU, Dr. Anh Thu was a senior faculty member in Marketing and Digital Marketing at RMIT University for more than 20 years.

Prior to entering academia, Dr. Anh Thu held management positions in property development and hospitality service firms, including AccorHotels, a French multinational hospitality company.

Dr. Anh Thu’s extensive business experience afforded her a network of industry clients, especially useful to her discipline of Marketing, which she has used to great effect in her teaching. She has worked with national and international enterprises such as FrieslandCampina, Nestlé, Unilever, L’Oréal, Lazada, and Infini Health Clinic in authentic assessment projects. She has experience coaching students participating and winning in many competitions, including the L’Oréal Brandstorm, the International Hult Prize, the Z Marketer and the Peaking Point. She has won several teaching awards, including the prestigious Global RMIT University Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education’s Award for Teaching Innovation 2018 and RMIT University College of Business and Law Teaching Commendations for Courage 2018.


Awards and Recognition
2021 Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy (UK)
2021 Certificate of Contribution in Reviewing, Journal of Cleaner Production
2021 RMIT University Outstanding faculty member
2020 Fellow, Higher Education Academy (UK)
2020 RMIT University Outstanding faculty member
2019 Certificate of Contribution in Reviewing, Journal of Cleaner Production
2018 RMIT University Global Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education’s Award for Teaching Innovation
2018 RMIT University, College of Business Teaching Commendation for Courage
2018 RMIT University Outstanding faculty member
2018 Finalist, RMIT University Global Three-minute Thesis competition
2018 Winner, RMIT University Vietnam Three-minute Thesis competition
2018 Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Journal of Cleaner Production
2017 RMIT University Outstanding faculty member
2017 International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Emerging Scholars
2016 RMIT University Vietnam Award for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
2016 RMIT University Outstanding faculty member
2015 RMIT University Vietnam, Centre of Business and Management Excellent Teaching Award
2012-2017 Higher Degree Research Scholarship Award (PhD), RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
2000-2002 Australian Development Scholarship Award (MBA), University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Teaching experience
Digital marketing, Marketing communications, Services marketing, Branding / Global branding, International marketing / Global marketing, Strategic marketing, Managing marketing relationships, Marketing principles / Introduction to marketing, Consumer behaviour / Buyer behaviour, Organizational Behaviour, Business Enterprise, Business Frameworks

Research interests
Consumer behaviour, Sustainable consumption, Sustainability, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in business education, Sustainability integration in marketing education, Climate change education

Selected Publications

Field, E., Berger, P., Lee, D., Strutt, C., & Nguyen, A. T. (forthcoming). Knowledge, urgency and agency: Reflections on climate change education course outcomes. Environmental Education Research.

Nguyen, A. T., Nguyen, N., Phung, P., & Yến-Khanh, N. (2023). Residents’ waste management practices in a developing country: A social practice theory analysis. Environmental Challenges, 100770.

Field, E., Spiropoulos, G., Nguyen, A. T., & Grewal, R. (2023). Climate change education within Canada’s regional curricula: A systematic review of gaps and opportunities. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 202, 155-184

Nguyen, A. T., Pansuwong, W., & McClelland, R. (2021). Exploring residents' support for integrated casino resort development: A new gaming destination in Vietnam. Tourism Recreation Research, 48(2), 250-267. 

Nguyen, A. T., Yến-Khanh, N., & Thuan, N. H. (2021). Consumers’ purchase intention and willingness to pay for eco-friendly packaging in Vietnam. In S.S. Muthu (Ed.), Sustainable Packaging: Environmental footprints and eco-design of products and processes (pp. 289-323). Springer, Singapore. 

Nguyen, A. T., Parker, L., Brennan, L., & Lockrey, S. (2020). A consumer definition of eco-friendly packaging. Journal of Cleaner Production, 252, 1-11. 

Nguyen, A. T., McClelland, R., Pansuwong, W., Nguyen, T. H. G. and Phung, T. P. (2018). Exploring residents’ perceptions towards integrated resorts with casino tourism: The case of Grand Ho Tram Strip of Vietnam. Travel and Tourism Research Association Asia-Pacific Chapter Conference 2018 Proceedings. 

Peer-reviewed conference presentations

Nguyen, A. T. (2023). Sustainability integration in business and marketing education: A literature review. European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production conference proceedings, Wageningen, the Netherlands, July 5-8, 2023.

Field, E., Berger, P., Nguyen, A. T., Drewes, A., & Howlett, S. (2023). A panel session on Exploring climate change teaching strategies: Emergent trends and typologies of practice. North American Association for Environmental Education NAAEE Research Symposium 2023, October 12,

Field, E., Howlett, S., Drewes, A., Nguyen, A. T., & Berger, P. (2023). Exploring climate change teaching strategies: Emergent trends and typology of practice. North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Annual Research Symposium, October 12, 2023.

Howlett, S. Field, E., Berger, P., Drewes, A., Nguyen, A. T. (2023). Teacher practices of addressing complex climate emotions in Canadian classrooms. Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education May 26, 2023, Toronto, Canada. 

Berger, P., Field, E., Drewes, A., Nguyen, A. T., Howlett, S. (2023). Any climate activist teachers out there?. Environmental and Sustainability Education in Teacher Education May 26, 2023, Toronto, Canada. 

Nguyen, A. T. (2022) A real case of innovative authentic assessment during the pandemic. Applied Learning Conference Proceedings, Singapore 2022, January 20-21, 2022. 

Nguyen, A. T. (2020). Work-integrated learning in industry-based project assessment: Perceived effects on students’ problem-solving skills and course satisfaction. Applied Learning Conference Singapore 2020, January 30-31, 2020, Singapore. 

Nguyen, A.T. (2019). Will consumers be attracted to eco-friendly packaging the way manufacturers want to: A case study of packaged food products in Vietnam. the 19th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production ERSCP Conference 2019, October 15-18, 2019, Barcelona, Spain. 

Nguyen, A. T. (2018). Proposing an integrative model of green purchase intention: A conceptual paper, American Marketing Association, 2018 Summer AMA Academic Conference, August 10-12, 2018, Boston, Massachusetts, the USA. 

Nguyen, A. T., McClelland, R., Pansuwong, W., Nguyen, T. H. G. and Phung, T. P. (2018). Exploring residents’ perceptions towards integrated resorts with casino tourism: The case of Grand Ho Tram Strip of Vietnam. Travel and Tourism Research Association Asia-Pacific Chapter Conference 2018, December 18, 2018, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 

Nguyen, A. T. (2017). Exploring consumer perceptions of environmental packaging in the context of an emerging market, American Marketing Association, 2017 Winter AMA Academic Conference, February 17-19, 2017, Orlando, Florida, the USA. 

Nguyen, A. T. (2017). Antecedents of consumer purchase intention for packaged food products with regard to environmental packaging: Evidence from an emerging market, the 18th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production ERSCP Conference 2017, October 1-5, 2017, Skiathos, Greece. 

Teaching and Research Grants / Projects

2023 Bissett School of Business, Faculty Development Funding (CAD3,000), Mount Royal University. Research presentation at European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption & Production 2023 in Wageningen, the Netherlands. Sustainability and SDGs in business education: A systematic review

2023-2024 Faculty Start-up Fund (CAD5,000), Faculty of Business and Communication Studies, Mount Royal University. A systematic review of sustainability and SDGs in business education (Principal Investigator)

2023-2024 Faculty of Business and Communication Studies, Mount Royal University. What does “Sustainability” mean for students and teachers at the World Maritime University? What are the implications for the industry from an organizational behavior perspective? (Co-Investigator)

2023 Reassigned Time from List A Funding Fall 2023, Faculty of Business and Communication Studies, Mount Royal University (Principal Investigator)

2021-2023 Insight Development Grants Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada SSHRC (CAD52,746). Educational policy and practice in an age of climate change uncertainty (Co-Investigator)

2022-2023 RMIT University Vietnam Research Grant Tier 2 (VND equivalent to USD18,500). Implementing and evaluating the SDGs in higher education curricula in Vietnam (Co-Investigator) 

2022 RMIT University Vietnam Research Grant Tier 1 (VND equivalent to USD8,500). Perceptions and reactions towards work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from social media users, employees, and HR personnel (Principal Investigator) 

2019 Pacific Environment and Resource Centre (USA) - Sponsorship Agreement with RMIT University (USD14,580). Building Vietnam’s zero waste movement through coastal strongholds (Principal Investigator) 

2018 RMIT Vietnam Research Grant (USD5,506). Exploring local support for integrated casino resorts (Principal Investigator) 

2018 RMIT University Global Award for Teaching Innovation (Teaching grant AUD5,000) 

2018 RMIT University Vietnam – 3M Thesis Winner (Research award USD1,000) 

2017 RMIT University Global High Degree Research Travel Grant (AUD2,000). 18th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production ERSCP Conference 2017, Skiathos, Greece – Towards the GREEner challenge and evolution in the framework of the Circular Economy. 

2017 International Society for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Emerging Scholars’ Fund

2016 RMIT University Vietnam Teaching Award (Teaching grant USD3,000) 

2015 RMIT University Vietnam Research Grant (USD6,654). Antecedents of consumer purchase intention for eco-friendly packaged food products (Primary Investigator)  

2014 RMIT University Vietnam Research Grant (USD2,588). Exploring consumer perceptions of eco-friendly packaging (Primary Investigator) 

Professional Affiliations and Scholarly Service

Senior Fellow, the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE UK)

Member, American Marketing Association (AMA), Consumer Behaviour Special Interest Group - Marketing Education Special Interest Group

Member, European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption & Production (ERSCP)

Member, Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI)

Member, North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)


Reviewer, Journal of Cleaner Production (JCLP)

Reviewer, Tourism Recreation Research (TRR)

Reviewer, Environmental Challenges (EC)