Connie Van der Byl

Associate Professor
General Management
Office: EB 2024
Phone: 403.440.6043
PhD Strategy specializing in Energy Management and Sustainable Development, Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
MBA Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
BA Economics and Applied Studies (Honours), University of Waterloo
Dr. Van der Byl's research interests focus on energy organizations and their strategic responses to environmental issues. She is currently researching and writing on the role of collaboration in achieving environmental performance, the evolution of entrepreneurial firms in sustainable industries, corporate strategic responses associated with hydraulic fracturing, and the challenges, both environmental and economic, of corporate reconfiguration.
Academic Position
Academic Director, Mount Royal University's Institute for Environmental Sustainability
Teaching experience
Strategic Management
Corporate Social Responsibility
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
Sample Publications
- Van der Byl, C. & Vredenberg, H. (2022). Guest Editors of Innovation and Governance in the Global Energy Transition, A Special Issue of Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050). Deadline for manuscript submissions: December 1, 2021.
- Dye, J., McKinnon, M. Van der Byl C. (2021). Green gaps: A comparison of oil and gas ESG disclosure and financial institution requirements. Journal of Sustainability Research.
- Saha, G., Quinn, M. & Van der Byl, C. (2021). Temporal dynamics of hydraulic fracturing and water use: A case study from Northwestern Alberta, Canada. Int. J. Hydrology Science and Technology.
- Saha, G., Quinn, M. & Van der Byl, C. (2021). Hydraulic Francturing and Water Conservation. In Handbook of Water Harvesting and Conservation. John Wiley & Sons Inc. (
- Van der Byl, C. (2021). Calgary Energy Dialogues 2021 Summary Report for City Series, Energy Dialogues LLC.
- Van der Byl, C. (2021). The future of oil and gas production, In B. McNichol (Ed) Sustainable Planet: Issues and Solutions for our Environment's Future.
- Van der Byl, C. & Vredenburg, H. (2020). The challenge of integrating error management and error prevention: Tension, interrelatedness and the impact of pace, Academy of Management Discoveries. (revised and resubmitted).
- Slawinski, N., Van der Byl, C. & Smith, W. (2020). Managing the coopetition paradox in alliance formation. Academy of Management Journal (under review).
- Van der Byl, C., Slawinski, N., & Hahn, T. (2020). Responsible management of sustainability tensions: A paradoxical approach to grand challenges. In Research Handbook of Responsible Management. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Stange, C., Dye, J. & Van der Byl, C. (2019) Calgary Energy Dialogues 2019 Summary Report for City Series, Energy Dialogues LLC.
- Van der Byl, C.A. & Grogaard, B. (2018). Chapter 4: Risk management and adaptation in oil and gas commodity resource markets. In G. George & S. Schillebeeckx (Eds) Managing Natural Resources: Organizational Strategy, Behavior and Dynamics. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Van der Byl, C. A. & Slawinski, N. (2015). Embracing tensions in corporate sustainability: A review of research from win-wins and trade-offs to paradoxes and beyond. Organization & Environment, 28(1), 54-79.
- Van der Byl, C. A., & Vredenburg, H. (2015). The challenge of mission drift through growth in the hybrid organisation. International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 18(4), 309-329.
- Quinn, M.S., M.E. Tyler, E. Ajaero, J. Arvai, M. Carlson, I. Dunmade, S. Hill, J. McCallum, D. McMartin, D. Megson, G. O'Sullivan, R. Parks, D. Poulton, B. Stelfox, J. Stewart, C. Serralde Monreal, S. Tomblin, C. Van der Byl. (2015). Landscape Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing Development and Operations on Surface Water and Watersheds. Prepared for the Canadian Water Network. Institute for Environmental Sustainability, Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB.
- Van der Byl, C. A. A. (2013). Routines, dominant logic and market dynamism: Reconfiguration challenges in Alberta's oil sands (Doctoral dissertation, University of Calgary).
- Bowen, F., Van der Byl, C., Dillabough, J., & Bertels, S. (2010, January). Lessons for Environmental Compliance From One Company. In Canadian Unconventional Resources and International Petroleum Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Case Studies
LOST CREEK ANGLING: FISHING FOR PROFITS AND NAVIGATING MISSION DRIFT, Connie Van der Byl, Ryan Parks. Ivey Publishing. Product Number: 9B18M077. Publication Date: 04/26/2018. Length: 13 pages (9 pages of text)
ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE AT SUNCOR ENERGY'S FIREBAG FACILITY, Stephanie Bertels, Connie Van der Byl, Frances Bowen. Product Number: 9B13M032
Publication Date: 24/5/2013 Length: 12 pages
Van der Byl, C. & Vredenberg, H. (2012). Canadian Hydro Developers Case Study (unpublished for classroom use)