Harjinder Deol

Associate Professor
Office: EB2064
Phone: 403.440.8647
Email: hdeol@mtroyal.ca
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/harjinder-deol-phd-cpa-cga-a1519b31/
PhD - University of Calgary
MBA - University of Calcutta
B.Comm - University of Calcutta
Harjinder's research is in the field of Capital Markets, where he is specifically interested in financial reporting. His other research interests include Intellectual Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance and Strategy. His research has been published in the Journal of Intellectual Capital. At the Bissett School of Business, he teaches courses in Financial and Management Accounting.
His industry experience includes working in International Marketing and in the Insurance industries.
Recognition and Awards
Scholarship: "Robert Willson Scholarship". CAD10,000. Conferred by University of Calgary. 2005, September 1.
Teaching Experience
Management Accounting
Advanced Financial Accounting
Intermediate Financial Accounting II
Accounting Theory
Intermediate Accounting I
Corporate Finance I
Financial Accounting Concepts
Introductory Financial Accounting
Other Teaching
CPA Preparatory Courses, CPA Western School of Business
CMA Accelerated Program
CGA PACE Level courses
Course Development
Accounting Capstone Course
Accounting Theory
Developed additional course materials for covering International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Sample Publications and Conference Presentations
Deol, H. (2009). Strategic environment and intellectual capital of Indian banks. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 10(1).
Deol, H. (2008, January 16). Strategic Accounting and Intellectual Capital in Indian Banks. In 29th McMaster World Congress conference (Hamilton, ON) (Accepted). (Role: Presenter).
Neu, D., & Deol, H. (2006). A Canadian Accounting Perspectives Special Issue on Accounting History: Applied and Policy Perspectives. Canadian Accounting Perspectives, 5(1).
Spyker, C., & Deol, H. (2014, August 2). Doing Too Much? Financial Vulnerability Of Canadian Registered Charities. Presented at American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (Atlanta, GA) (Accepted).
Spyker, C., & Deol, H. (2014, May 31). Doing Too Much? Financial Vulnerability Of Canadian Registered Charities. Presented at Canadian Academic Accounting Association Conference (Edmonton, AB) (Accepted).
Deol, H., & Nazari, J. (2013, August 7). The Decision Usefulness of Comprehensive Income Reporting in Canada. Presented at American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (Anaheim, CA) (Accepted).
Deol, H. (2013, June 8). Analysts' Earnings Forecasts And Other Comprehensive Income. Presented at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference (Calgary, AB) (Accepted).
Deol, H., & Nazari, J. (2013, May 31). The Decision Usefulness of Comprehensive Income Reporting in Canada. Presented at Canadian Academic Accounting Association Conference (Montreal, QC) (Accepted).
Research Grants
2012, May Faculty Development Committee, "The Decision Usefulness of Comprehensive Income Reporting in Canada". CAD1,500. Type: Grant-Competitive (Role: Principal Investigator). Other Investigators: Nazari, J.
2013, April 15 Faculty Development Committee, "Analysts' Earnings Forecasts And Other Comprehensive Income". CAD335. Type: Grant-Non-Competitive (Role: Principal Investigator).
2013, March 12 Faculty Development Committee, "The Decision Usefulness of Comprehensive Income Reporting in Canada". CAD2,000. Type: Grant-Competitive (Role: Principal Investigator). Other Investigators: Nazari, J.
2012, August Faculty Development Committee, "Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting; AAA Conference". CAD1,700. Type: Grant-Competitive.
Community and University Service
Faculty Advisor, for Bissett Accounting Students Society
Membership in Scholarly Societies or Other Organizations
American Accounting Association.
Canadian Academic Accounting Association.
Bissett Curriculum Committee, Mount Royal University
Conference Reviewing/Refereeing Activities
Canadian Academic Accounting Association Conference
American Accounting Association Conference