Michael Roberts

Michael Roberts

Title: Associate Dean & Associate Professor (General Management);  Faculty of Business and Communications Studies

Office: EB2023
Phone: 403.440.6718
Email: mroberts2@mtroyal.ca

PhD    Doctorate of Philosophy, Business Administration (International Strategy):
            The Richard Ivey School of Business – University of Western Ontario

MA      MASTER OF ARTS, Adult Education,
            The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education – University of Toronto

BA     HONOURS BACHELOR OF ARTS, Philosophy & Economics
            The University of Western Ontario




Michael Roberts is Associate Dean and an Associate Professor at the Bissett School of Business at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Canada. He completed his PhD in International Business and Strategic Management in the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario.  He has been teaching since 1995, and had taught at business schools in Canada and South Korea including the KAIST Graduate School of Management.  Michael joined Bissett in 2019 after completing his term of International Business, Strategy, and Law at MacEwan University.  Most of Michael’s work is focused on the transfer of practices across international boundaries, with a particular focus on South Korea.  He has published scholarly papers, policy focused reports, and written cases that focus on Asia region and South Korea in particular.  Michael has published work for peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Management Studies (JMS) and International Business Review (IBR).

Peer Reviewed Publications:

Roberts, Michael J. D. & Etayankara Muralidharan 2019. Internationalization of Service SMEs: Perspectives from Canadian SMEs Internationalizing in Asia, Global Business Review, forthcoming

Roberts, Michael J. D. 2019. Psychological Distance and Culture: Towards a Socially Constructed Individual Level Cultural Framework. In Brunet-Thornton, Richard, (Eds.), Examining Cultural Perspectives in a Globalized World. Hershey PA: Irwin IGI Global, forthcoming.

Roberts, Michael J. D. & Beamish, P. W. 2017. The scaffolding activities of international returnee executives: A learning based perspective of global boundary spanning, Journal of Management Studies, 54(4): 511-539.

Lee, J.-H. & Roberts, M. J. D. 2015. International returnees as outside directors: A catalyst for strategic adaptation under institutional pressure. International Business Review, 24(4) 594-604.

Seijts, Gerard & Michael J.D. Roberts. 2011. The Impact of Employee Perceptions on Change in a Municipal Government. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 32(2): 190-213.


Selected Cases, Book Chapters, and Government Publications:

Pearl, Catherine & Michael J.D. Roberts. 2019. Windmill Microlending: Converting Potential to Prosperity (Ivey Case Study; with teaching note) (Case ##9B20M084 ).

Roberts, Michael J.D. 2017, Korea Papers: Tium Environmental. Canada West Foundation: Calgary, Alberta.

Roberts, Michael J.D. 2017, Korea Papers: Greenlight Innovation Canada West Foundation: Calgary, Alberta.

Massing, Carol & Michael J.D. Roberts. 2016. A Call to Action: Indigenizing MacEwan's School of Business: Aboriginal Education Forum Report MacEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta.

Mehrotra, Sonia & Michael J.D. Roberts, 2015. Robert Bosch Engineering, India (RBEI) – An Innovative Frugal Engineering (ET Cases; with Teaching Note)

Roberts, Michael J.D., Heather Kincaide & Etayankara Muralidharan. 2014. Canada-Asia Energy Technology and Services Forum: Findings Report. Vancouver, BC: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

Roberts, Michael J.D. & Travis Guay. 2013. Alta injection molding & SAIT Polytechnic: Creating a model for private-public partnership (Ivey Case Study; with teaching note) (Case #: 9B13M100w).

Roberts, Michael J.D.. & Beamish, P. W. 2013. Lundbeck Korea: Managing a growth engine (case).In Bartlett, Christopher A. & P. W. Beamish, (Eds.), Transnational Management: Text, Readings and Cases in Cross Border Management, 7/E. Boston: Irwin McGraw-Hill.

Roberts, Michael J.D.. 2013. Our Role as Managers in Understanding and Fulfilling the Labour Principles of the UN Global Compact. In Lawrence, Joanne & Paul W. Beamish, (Eds.), Globally Responsible Leadership: Managing According to the UN Global Compact: Sage Publications.

Roberts, Michael J.D. 2013. The China Market Development Program for Wood Products: A Retrospective Report: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada. Vancouver, BC.

Roberts, Michael J.D. 2011. Official Report on the 9th Canada-Korea Forum: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada. Vancouver, BC.