Neil Brigden

Neil Brigden

Google Scholar

PhD (University of Alberta)
BCom (University of Calgary)
BA (University of Calgary)



Neil Brigden is an Assistant Professor in the Bissett School of Business at Mount Royal University where he studies consumer decision making and teaches courses in marketing and evidence-based decision making. Dr. Brigden’s primary research stream examines repeated and related decisions that consumers make across time. He is particularly interested in how people get into (and out of) decision-making ruts, where they fail to take actions that would lead to better outcomes. This research considers the effects of decision deferral, comparison of current opportunities to those that were forgone, and the way in which alternatives are discovered or categorized, on consumer choice, investment performance, and consumption experience. He has published articles in top-tier marketing journals including the Journal of Marketing Research and the Journal of Consumer Psychology and had his research covered in popular press outlets such as The Globe and Mail. Neil has received awards for teaching, research, and tall-bike riding.


Grants, Scholarships, and Honours
SSHRC Insight Grant ..........................................................2021-2024
Marketing Science Institute Research Grant .......................2016
Alumni Teaching Scholar .....................................................2014-2015

Teaching Experience

Evidence-Based Marketing
Data Analytics
Digital Marketing Analytics
Marketing Research
Consumer Behaviour
Introduction to Marketing
Adjunct Professor, University of Alberta (Experimental Design)


Research Interests
Consumer decision-making, consumer inaction, financial decision-making, consumption
experience, artificial intelligence, search.


Pogacar, R,, Brigden, N., Plant, E., Kardes, F.R., & Kellaris, J. (2023) The Reference Dependence Roots of Inaction Inertia: A Query Theory Account.
PLOS One 18(3): e0282876.

Brigden, N. & Häubl, G. (2020) Inaction Traps in Consumer Response to Product Malfunctions. Journal of Marketing Research. media coverage: The Globe and Mail, LinkedIn

DelVecchio, D., Wang, J., & Brigden, N. (2020). All at Once or One at a Time? The Effect of Simultaneous Versus Sequential Discount Presentation on Store Patronage Intentions. Psychology and Marketing.

Ge, X., Brigden, N., & Häubl, G. (2015). The Preference-Signaling Effect of Search. Journal of Consumer Psychology. DOI: media coverage: The Globe and Mail

Swait, J., Brigden, N., & Johnson, R. D. (2014). Categories shape preferences: A model of taste heterogeneity arising from categorization of alternatives. Journal of Choice Modelling. DOI: