Rajbir Bhatti

Associate Professor
Supply Chain Management
Office: EB-2052
Phone: 403.440.5086
Email: rbhatti@mtroyal.ca
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajbirbhatti
PhD (Supply Chain Management)
M.Tech (Industrial Engineering)
B.Tech (Industrial Engineering)
Dr. Bhatti is an Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Bissett School of Business. He is also a Member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council (CSCSC), which brings together partners in the sector to develop solutions to the human resource challenges faced by stakeholders in Canada's economy.
His current interests revolve around studying the carbon footprints of global supply chains and to understand, model and help reduce such footprints in logistics through better process design. Another area of interest to him is in warehousing and distribution where he works to understand workplace safety issues as a function of organization design. Currently, his team and he are also working on performance evaluation modelling of dealerships of heavy equipment manufacturers in Canada using Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) and also using the black box technique. He had also been engaged in analytical modelling of 3PL selection issues and has used hierarchy based discrete and fuzzy models to analyze the supplier selection problem.
Dr. Bhatti has also served at the Department of Supply Chain Management, Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba (UoM), where he taught advanced supply chain management courses in the Asper MBA Program (apart from teaching for the Asper Undergraduate Program). He worked as a volunteer for the University Technologies Inc. (INNOVATE CALGARY) at the University of Calgary where he carried out analysis and examinations of new invention patent applications for technical novelty and commercialization potential. He was responsible for performing market research, preliminary infringement analyses and search for "prior art" by analyzing patent file histories at USPTO and identification of potential licenses. Further, he has been a member of several bodies for curriculum design for under graduate courses in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering and has a rich Industrial experience in ISO 9000 certification as Management Representative.
Dr. Bhatti has a number of research publications in peer reviewed, indexed journals and conferences. He has authored one book and is the Editor-in-Chief (Emeritus) of the International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering, Pennsylvania, USA. He has guided one PhD and three Master's theses so far and has served on several Ph.D. committees.
Professional/Community/ University Service
- Member of the Board of Directors, Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council (CSCSC)
- Member of the National Accreditation Process (NAP) subcommittee for accreditation of supply chain educational offerings by the Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council (CSCSC)
- Member of the Advisory Panel for Goods Management Strategy (GMS), City of Calgary (The GMS is a strategic plan for the next 30 years which plans the transportation infrastructure needs of Calgary)
- Team Mentor for Amazon YYC Student Challenge
- Member of the General Faculties Council (GFC), Mount Royal University (2017-2019)
- Mount Royal University member of action panel on "Canadian Transportation Initiative" , a collaborative project with the University of Calgary to follow up on the "Emerson Report" towards a joint PSE "Centre of Excellence on Transportation, Logistics and Innovation" from a Western Canada (and potentially Canada wide) perspective
- Member, Board of Directors, AFCA. Inc., Calgary - a not for profit supporting educational needs of new Canadians in Calgary
Recognition and Awards
Outstanding Reviewer Award (2012): Journal of Modeling in Management, Emerald Publications; UK
Teaching experience
Operations Management
Principles of Quality Management (BBA & Online)
Fundamentals of Purchasing (BBA & Online)
Introduction to Physical Distribution
Other courses taught include
Global Supply Chains
Supply Chain Logistics
Advanced Supply Chain Management
Total Quality Management, Maths for Management
Demand Forecasting, Business Statistics & Calculus
Sample Publications
- Jain, A, Bhatti RS , Harwinder Singh (2015) "OEE enhancement in SMEs through mobile maintenance: a TPM concept." International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management (IJQRM: Emerald Publication) 32(5) ; 503-516. (ABDC-B-rated & Impact Factor 1.55)
- Jain, A, Bhatti R Harwinder Singh, (2014), Total productive maintenance (TPM) implementation practice: a literature review and directions, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, ISSN: 2040-4166, Emerald Publication, 5(3)
- Jain, A., Bhatti, RS., Singh, H (2014), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM): A Proposed Model For Indian SMEs, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Feb, 1-22
- Jain, A., Bhatti, R.S., Singh, H., Sharma, S.K.,(2012) "Implementation of TPM for
Enhancing OEE of Small Scale Industry", International Journal of IT Engineering &
Applied Sciences Research (IJITEASR), 1(1), ISSN 2319-4413 - Bhatti, R.S., Pradeep Kumar & Dinesh Kumar (2012) "Evolution of System Dynamics in Supply Chain Management", International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM),5(1) ,1-14
- Bhatti, R.S., Pradeep Kumar & Dinesh Kumar "Analytical Modeling of Third Party Service Provider Selection in Global Lead Logistics Provider Environments", Journal of Modeling in Management, 5(3), 275-286 (Emerald Insight):
- Bhatti, R.S., Pradeep Kumar & Dinesh Kumar "Integrated DEAHP Model for Selection of 3PL Service Providers by Global Fourth Party Logistics Integrators": Int. J. of Business Performance and Supply Chain Management (IJBPSCM), 1(2/3), 187-202. (10 Year Impact Factor 0.126)
- Bhatti, R.S., Pradeep Kumar & Dinesh Kumar "A Loss Function Based Decision Support Model for 3PL Selection by 4PLs". International Journal of Integrated Supply Management (Inderscience); 5(4), 365-375
- Bhatti, R.S., Pradeep Kumar & Dinesh Kumar "Critical Insights into Supply Chain Risks and Mitigation Management Strategies" AIMS International Journal, USA,4(1), 101-111
BOOK CHAPTERS: - Bhanot, N., Bhatti, R. S, Singh, H., (2014). Benchmarking of Indian Rail Freight by DEA. In J. Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization (pp. 273-291). Hershey, PA: USA, Business Science Reference.
doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-5202-6.ch026 - Bhatti, R.S., Pradeep Kumar & Dinesh Kumar (2009). A Fuzzy AHP model for 3PL selection in Lead Logistics Provider scenarios. In Sarty. P. (Ed.), "Enterprise Information Systems and Implementing IT Infrastructure: Challenges and Issues", Pennsylvania, USA, IGI Publications.
- Bhatti R.S; Bhardwaj A; Sachdeva A; Bhatti S. K, (2006)Hurdles and Barriers in Implementing ISO 9000 certification in Small & Medium Enterprises (SME) in Punjab state (India), In H. Paul (Ed.) "Management of Innovation, Technology, Transfer & Flexibility for Competitiveness in the Globalized World", Global Institute of Flexible Systems Management, New Delhi, Indian Journals.
NATIONAL JOURNALS: - Bhatti, R.S., Pradeep Kumar & Dinesh Kumar. (2009). "Supply Chain Risks- An Overview". Journal of Insurance & Risk Management, 4(3), 8-16.
- Bhatti, R.S., Pradeep Kumar & Dinesh Kumar, "The concepts and issues in selection of fourth party logistics", Journal of Insurance & Risk Management, 4(9), 36-42.