Simon Magennis

Associate Professor
Office: EB 2054
Phone: 403.440.6236
Degrees and relevant professional qualifications
BA Accounting & Finance - Dublin City University 1992
MBS in Accounting - Dublin City University 1993
Chartered Accountant (Ireland), membership 1998; trained at PwC, Dublin
BSc Education and Training - Dublin City University 2011
CPA Alberta, membership 2016
Simon is an Irish qualified Chartered Accountant and Canadian CPA from Dublin, Ireland with 20 years full time experience teaching accounting and finance courses at post-secondary level. Eleven and one half of these years were in Ireland, three years at Dublin City University (DCU) and the remainder at the Institute of Technology Tallaght (ITT), Dublin (now part of Technical University Dublin). All of the teaching at ITT was at the undergraduate level, but he has three years' experience teaching Financial Reporting at Masters level at DCU.
His education includes BA in Accounting & Finance (1992), MBS in Accounting (1993), BSc. in Education and training (2011), all from DCU, and a Chartered Accountant professional designation (1998). In 2016 he was designated a CPA in Canada. Simon has seven years' experience in professional accounting practice, industry and regulatory environments.
Throughout his professional career he has given time to the profession through involvement in professional examination processes and to society his involvement with various voluntary organizations, and voluntary board memberships.
Simon's education, professional work experience and past teaching experience all influence his teaching at MRU.
Professional Designations
Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA), Alberta, Canada. Admitted February 2016.
Chartered Accountant (FCA), Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland (now Chartered Accountants Ireland), admitted June 1998.
Significant professional development
Certificate in Sustainability and ESG, CPA Canada, October 2024
Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standard, Chartered Accountants Ireland, 2005
Recognition and Awards
2015 and 2020 CPA Education Foundation Teaching Awards (Academic Prize). Conferred by Chartered Professional Accountants Education Foundation (CPAEF), the award is presented annually to one accounting instructor in every post-secondary institution in Alberta, voted for by the accounting students of that institution.
Teaching Experience at MRU
Financial Accounting Concepts (Introductory)
Financial Accounting Practices (using a team-based learning approach)
Intermediate Accounting 1
Principles of Auditing (using a team-based learning approach)
Managerial Accounting 1 (Introductory)
Advanced Managerial Accounting
Other Teaching Experience
International Financial Reporting (second, third, fourth-year undergrad level and Masters level)
Accounting for non-Accountants
Corporate Finance / Business Finance (senior undergraduate level)
Pearl, C, Jay, L. and Magennis, S. (2023) Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (CCVO) – Empowering Nonprofits. IveyPublishing at Western University. [Online]
O hOgartaigh, C., Kenny, M., & Magennis, S. (2004, October). IFRS Awareness: Survey of Awareness levels among Irish Chartered Accountants. Accountancy Ireland, 36(5) (In Print).
Magennis, S. (2004, April). International Financial Reporting Standards: ICAI calls again for definitive decision. Accountancy Ireland, 36(2) (In Print).
Conference Presentations
Pearl, C, Jay, L. and Magennis, S. (2023) Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (CCVO) – Empowering Nonprofits. ANSER (Association of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research), Toronto, ON, May 2023.
Dwyer, A. and Magennis, S. (2023) The Contingent Place of Accounting Technologies in the Colonization of 18th-Century Anglosphere. Irish Accounting and Finance Association, Galway, Ireland, June 2023.
Other scholarly interests
Supervisor and mentor of student Honours undergrad research projects
Presented at the 2024 MRU Sustainability Forum on the issue of accountants’ involvement in corporate sustainability reporting and assurance
Case publishing and analysis for teaching purposes
Sample Community and University Service
Current and most recent
Development of international relationships
Not-for-profit case club and case competition mentor
Accounting case club and case competition liaison, mentor and administrator
Bissett Accounting Student Society (BASS) - Accounting & Finance Department faculty representative
Hiring committee member (various)
Peer teaching evaluator
Reviewer of Tenure & Promotion Applications (external to MRU)
Delivered Teaching & Learning related PD workshops and conference presentations
Past Involvement
Bissett New Student Orientation (NSO) organizing committee member.
Member of Bissett Networking Day organizing committee as Accounting & Finance Department faculty representative.
MRU Budget Advisory Committee member.
MFRA Social Events Committee member.
MRFA Nominations Committee member
MRFA Department Communicator - Accounting & Finance
Member of Judging Panel for SHAD Student Business Plan project competition.
Professional Examination Prover (Ireland)
Chair Hiring Committee member